Guidelines regarding research paper

Paper Selection and Publication Process
GHG Journal of Sixth Thought aims at rapid publication of research papers and maintaining double-blind system for peer-review; the reviewers’ identities remain anonymous to authors. The review process may take 2-3 weeks. If due to special circumstance the review process takes longer, authors will be informed by email. Manuscripts with social/educational significance will be reviewed and published at the highest priority and speed. If you have any difficulties, or you have any queries, please contact with Editor via e-mail  Poorly prepared and unnecessarily lengthy manuscripts have less chance of being accepted.
Author Guidelines
General rules for text:
Please use the following rules for whole text, including abstract, keywords, heading anreferences. (Please read all points carefully)

Page setup
1. Margins: 1 Inch (2,54 cm) on all sides (top, bottom, left, right)
2. Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New Roman font
3. Line Spacing: Single space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figures.
4. Alignment: Justified 
5. Orientation: Portrait
6Page size: A4
Preparation of text

General Guidelines related to main heads of the research paper for publication 

Title: 12 pts, uppercase and lowercase letters bolded and centered
 Name and personal information (academic title, institutional affiliation and
address, contact number
) should be placed under the title.
Abstract: (100-200 words) should include the following:  objectives,tools, method,  results and
conclusion. The abstract must be written in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and Italic.
Keywords: up to 5 key words, Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and bolded.
Spacing: Between abstract and main text, you should leave two empty lines.
Subdivision of the article: The papers should be structured in title and subtitle sections and should be numbered: 12 pts, alignment left (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Between title section and main text one empty line should be left.
 Introduction paragraph: It should include meaning and reviews of related literature in brief.
 Paper should not include review of literature under the separate caption (Heading). The end lines should clearly reflect about the rationale and need of the study.
Objectives of the study
Sample and sampling techniques
Result and Discussion
(Only those tables and graphs should be included which are essential. Tables and graph should be followed by brief discussion. Tables and figures should be text wrapped and must be numbered, please use for the tables Times New Roman 10 pts.)
References and Footnotes
References should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA), Sixth
All sources cited in the paper must be included in the References section.
Citations in the text
Source material must be documented in the body of the paper by citing the author(s) and date(s) of the sources. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Avoid citation in the abstract. Unpublished results and personal communications should not be in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as “in press” implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
Word Count
The paper must be maximum 2000-3000 words/ max. 4 - 5 pages including tables, figures, references etc.


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